Members to the PVAH and Partners of the EU Project KEYtoEU visit the European Parliament at Strasbourg on Europe Day

Solidarity in Europe
Members to the PVAH and Partners of the EU Project KEYtoEU visit the European Parliament at Strasbourg on Europe Day
A Common Declaration was signed by all pertners of the project on the last meeting in Tirana.
Methods and networking on embracing European values and approaching solidarity AAM Foundation of Europa House - Albania as an EU candidate state…
Solidarity in Action - Policy to Support Minority Groups All delegates and hosts in front of a school in Butan Policy to…
The Importance of European Solidarity in the Face of Global Conflicts on the Example of Helping Refugees from Ukraine Participants from 9…
Solidarity Helps the Integration of Foreign People & Minorities Municipality of Lokroi Participants from 9 european countries in Atalantí Sharing best practice…
Solidarity with Disabled People Participants from 9 european countriess in Sulmona A travel into the memory – campo 78 * Social policies…
Solidarity Helps the Integration of Foreign People Participants from 9 european countries in Praque 9 Best practice about integration of foreigners -…
The Inclusive Settlement Conference in Diósd - participants from 9 countries German Nationality Primary School * Problems and needs of intergenerational solidarity…
Solidarity with Disabled People Participants from 9 european countries in Massamagrell Open Debate with youth through the topic: “inclusion of migrants through…