8th Project Meeting in Kozloduy (Bulgaria) 25-28.06.2022

Solidarity in Action - Policy to Support Minority Groups

All delegates and hosts in front of a school in Butan

Policy to support minority groups (Gypsy minority) – „Solidarity in action” – visit to the high School „St. st. Cyril and Methodius”
The village of Bhutan – exchange of ideas and practices in working with children from minority groups (Gypsy minority)
Volunteer initiatives – children from Youth Parliament at the Municipality of Kozloduy
Historical talk about the different community groups in Kozloduy (Serbian & Wallachian settlers)
„Solidarity in the policy of the European institutions”


Welcoming the participants by the mayor of Kozloduy Municipality Mrs Marinela Nikolova

Welcoming the participants
by the mayor of Kozloduy Municipality
Mrs Marinela Nikolova

Good Practice

Municipal children's and youth parliament (Zlatina Ivanova)

Kozloduy Youth Parliament

Presentation about the school in Butan by the principal Jana Dimitrova
Policy to support minority groups (Roma)
Discussion with Andrey Novakov, middle, -member of the EU Parliament
Border police_Kozloduy (Ivan Venkov)


Online news

Козлодуй посреща участници от осем държави в европейската инициатива „Мрежа от градове“. От 23 до 26 юни градът ще бъдат домакин на международна среща с участието на двайсет и двама делегати от осем европейски държави. Представители на общини, неправителствени организации, културни центрове от Германия, Италия, Испания, Гърция, Унгария, Чехия, Полша, Албания ще се запознаят с българския бит и култура, ще дискутират актуалните теми за Европа, ще обменят идеи по темата солидарност и взаимна подкрепа. Акцент в срещата е дискусията с Андрей Новаков – български представител в Европейския парламент. С него ще се обсъдят темите за солидарността и бъдещето на Европа. 

„Kozloduy welcomes participants from eight countries in the European initiative „Network of Cities“. From June 23 to 26, the city will host an international meeting with the participation of twenty-two delegates from eight European countries. Representatives of municipalities, non-governmental organizations, cultural centers from Germany, Italy, Spain, Greece, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Poland, Albania will get to know the Bulgarian way of life and culture, discuss current topics for Europe, exchange ideas on the topic of solidarity and mutual support . The highlight of the meeting is the discussion with Andrei Novakov – Bulgarian representative in the European Parliament. The topics of solidarity and the future of Europe will be discussed with him. „

Online news

Гости на Фестивала бяха и двадесет участници в Международния проект „Ключ за Европа“. Делегатите представляваха 7 държави: Албания, Гърция, Германия, Италия, Чехия, Полша и Унгария.

„Twenty participants in the „Key to Europe“ international project were also guests of the Festival. The delegates represented 7 countries: Albania, Greece, Germany, Italy, Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary.“


Greetings from the mayor of the municipality, Marinela Nikolova, right, during the Fish Festival (Hans Herrmann,middle, Besiou Despoina,left )
The mayor of the village of Harlets Ognemir Simov, middle, talks about the Vlachs and the Kalush custom together with Ivo Ivanov, left
Village of Butan - delegates enjoying Bulgarian folk dancers
Village of Butan - traditional welcoming by offering bread and salt in the local highschool
Workshop Grandma's kitchen_Butan
Workshop Living library in Butan (Miklos Marian, left)
Workshop Solidarity in action
Work with young people -Communication
Greetings from the mayor of the municipality, Marinela Nikolova, right, during the Fish Festival (Hans Herrmann,middle, Besiou Despoina,left )

Links and more downloads

Partners to the Project Kozloduy presents itself
https://kozloduy.bg Municipality
Serbians – History of the migratory neighbourhood in kozloduy

Categories: Events, Meeting